The Man Has a Near-Death Experience and Discovers His Soul’s Family and His Purpose, Then Changes His Life

The NDE of David Bennett

El Creativo
10 min readFeb 5, 2024
Image by Freepik

It was dark and turbulent.

The might of the ocean tossed David around.

Drowning was inevitable.

David had been catapulted into the ocean by breaking waves. Other crew members were looking for him to no avail.

He was in another place.

David Had a Turbulent Childhood

David Bennett grew up in central New York as a child.

He was raised by a single mother when being a single mom was taboo. So, her mother would pass him around to families and pay them five dollars a week.

The hired family would house David, send him to school, etc.

David never felt welcomed and wanted. It felt like he was there only because his mom had paid a fee. But he never belonged in the house.

Children have a way of picking up the stuff adults hide behind their social masks. So, for the first seven years of his life, David taught himself how to shield himself, become independent, and go through the motions.



El Creativo

Hi, my name is Emilien Creativo. I believe in the magic of love.